The King’s Highway was an ancient trade route that wound up the eastern shore of the Dead Sea; the terrain here is hilly and carved through with majestic canyons like Wadi Mujib. Over the years any civilisations or invaders with an eye on controlling the region, had to control this trade route, and so a great many of the attractions along the way are castles. There are crusader castles like those at Kerak and Shobak, as well as older fortresses, like that at Mukawir, where the Salome danced for the head of John the Baptist in the time of Christ. Religion provides other highlights along the highway, such as the magnificent mosaics of Madaba, and the amazing views from Mt Nebo where Moses is said to have died and been buried. Nature also has its role to play, and the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature has two reserves along the King’s Highway, Wadi Mujib and Dana. As the King’s Highway is one of the routes linking Amman and the north of the country and Petra and the south, it will almost certainly be a major highlight of any trip to Jordan.