The Kalahari is one of Africa’s iconic geographical features, covering 900,000 square kilometres and parts of three different countries: Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. It is typified by red earth and a range of uniquely adapted animals that call it home. The most legendary of these is the black-maned lion; another classic Kalahari image is a gemsbok, or oryx, sihloutted atop a sand dune, its long, straight horns pointing skyward. The Kalahari is remote, the South African portion being tucked away in the north of the country with few flights and long, empty roads connecting it to mainstream life. You could choose to visit it in luxury at a private reserve, or to stay in one of the national parks, driving yourself around. The Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park was one of the first of the new wave of parks that straddle national borders, and is partly in South Africa, partly in Botswana: a challenging but hugely rewarding place to visit.