The great big, bumper, Christmas travel quiz – 2022 edition
Ho Ho Ho..ws about a Christmas quiz then?
There are only a few more sleeps until the big man heads down our chimneys, we’ll be indulging in far too many pigs in blankets and everyone groans in unison at the terrible cracker jokes.
We’ve put together this little bit of fun for all the family to enjoy whilst you’re letting your dinner go down. You may well be ready for a cold turkey sandwich by the time you get to the end.
(If you’d rather, here’s a downloadable PDF so you can play with all your friends and family. We’d love to hear how you get on!)
How will you do?
Round 1: Guess the Country
We know, we know, not strictly festive focused, but we are a travel company after all…

Round 2: Can you speak emoji?
Guess the Christmas tune…

Round 3: Christmas Film Anagrams

Round 4: Festive trivia
1. Where did the Christmas tree originate?
2. What’s the highest-grossing Christmas film of all time?
3. What’s most often eaten for Christmas lunch in Japan?
4. How many tips do traditional snowflakes have?
5. Who wrote A Christmas Carol?
6. When do the 12 days of Christmas start?
7. How many real Christmas trees are sold in the UK every year?
8. How tall is the tallest ever snowman recorded?
9. Where is the oldest Christmas market in the world?
10. Which artist or band has had the most Christmas number one singles?
Round 5: Whose flag is it anyway?

So, how do you think you did?
After the answers?
Are you sure?
Really sure?
No cheating now…
Oh go on then.