The inlets and river valleys of the west coast of British Columbia are the ideal feeding grounds for grizzly bears and this full day trip takes you by boat to look for them. You journey first weave your way through the narrow passages between the Discovery Islands, eventually reaching Bute Inlet and the Orford River Valley (about a 1 hr, 50 min journey). The land in this area is owned and managed by the local Homalco First Nation Band and your group lands at their dock before being transported to an orientation centre. Here the Homalco guides will explain the rules of grizzly bear viewing – both in terms of respecting these magnificent animals and for the safety of everyone viewing. You proceed to a series of raised, covered platforms which overlook the river and from here you can safely observe the grizzlies trying to capture the leaping salmon. During this eight hour tour you spend around three hours watching the bears and it is a fantastic opportunity to see them in their natural habitat. Lunch is included.
This tour operates between the end of August and middle of October when the annual salmon run is taking place.
Some images courtesy of Hurricane Jack and Campbell River Whale Watching.