Climb aboard the MV Emm-Cat, a spacious catamaran, and prepare for an unforgettable two-hour cruise through the breathtaking scenery of Bonne Bay, located in the heart of Gros Morne National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This remarkable bay is surrounded by dramatic landscapes, including ancient cliffs, lush forests, and striking geological formations that make it one of Canada’s most spectacular settings.
Throughout the journey, live commentary from the knowledgeable crew highlights the geological wonders and rich cultural history of the region. Learn about the unique geology of Gros Morne and gain fascinating insights into the vibrant cultural heritage of Newfoundland.
Make sure to keep your camera ready, as Bonne Bay is teeming with wildlife. Eagles soar overhead, moose are sometimes spotted along the shore, and whales occasionally make an appearance in the bay’s pristine waters. Seabirds and other marine life further add to the incredible biodiversity of this unique location.
We highly recommend participating in the age-old Newfoundland ritual known as a “screech-in.” This lively ceremony features traditional music, a Cod fish, a Sou’wester, and a sample of the famous Newfoundland Screech rum. Complete the ritual to become an “honorary Newfoundlander” and receive a certificate to commemorate this memorable experience.