Haines Junction is a small, unassuming town that serves as the gateway to the vast wilderness of Kluane National Park. Originally built as a construction camp and service centre for engineers working on the Alaska Highway during WWII, it has since become a hub for those eager to explore the park. With a population of just 800, the village is a unique mix of First Nations peoples, long-time residents, Canadian settlers, and individuals from all over the world.
Kluane National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and, together with Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, forms the largest internationally protected area on earth. Most visitors only scratch the surface of this immense and breathtaking landscape, but even a quick stop along the Alaska Highway offers unforgettable views. The St. Elias mountain range towers above glacial lakes, surrounded by alpine forests and topped with shimmering glaciers. Hidden within the park is Mount Logan, Canada’s highest peak, and an incredible array of wildlife, including grizzly bears, moose, lynx, and wolves.