Should you book a holiday now?

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A message from our founder, Andy, in response to Grant Shapps

The past week has been one of our busiest for many months, with lots of people getting in touch to plan their holidays and give themselves something wonderful to look forward to now that there is light at the end of the Coronavirus tunnel. You may have seen comments in the media from Grant Shapps, the transport secretary, that people should not be booking holidays now because it is currently illegal to go on holiday. It’s not often I feel compelled to respond to ministerial pronouncements, but I felt this was worthy of comment.

I completely understand the current need to do everything we can to get on top of the virus and protect the remarkable success we’ve had so far with the vaccine rollout: and if it means that, for the time being, we need to tighten our borders, then we’ll just have to knuckle down and live with that. However, it is most certainly not illegal to look forward to a time when we can travel again, and it is not unreasonable to assume this time will come later this year.

I’m delighted to say people are still booking holidays with us – and all of those are for the second half of this year, or for 2022. Those people have booked knowing that by then, there is a very good chance their holiday will operate.

So, despite what Mr. Shapps has to say, please remember that it’s not illegal to dream of a fantastic holiday, nor is it illegal for us to help you plan that holiday. We’re really enjoying arranging these momentous first holidays after Coronavirus, so if that sounds like something that would brighten your day and give you something to look forward to, please do get in touch.

Andy Hunt, HA Founder



We’re here to help get you away on that much-needed holiday just as soon as you’re able. So, if you have any questions at all about your well-deserved adventure, we’re ready to take your call on 01242 253 073. 


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